About Us


At Moonwater Press, our objective is to create and distribute exceptional titles that are instanty recognized for their creativity and value by our vendors, colleagues, and our customers. Publishing quality is our hallmark.


Our History


Moonwater Press is an independent publishing house, located in the metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona, in the United States. We publish engaging  and smartly produced books in both fiction and non-fiction. Our imprint of titles are diverse and include hardcover and trade paperback editions, ebooks, and audiobooks.  All of our titles are developed and produced in-house. The goal of Moonwater Press is to publish innovative and compelling books of the highest quality and of lasting significance.



Our Imprints


We publish our books under three unique imprints:


Moonwater Press is the imprint of our print format books in both genres, nonfiction and fiction.


Moonwater Press Digital is our high-concept, engaging line of ebooks geared to audiences who place a greater emphasis on reading titles in this burgeoning format than in print. 


Moonwater Press Audiobooks is our innovative imprint dedicated to producing our titles in MP3 quality digital audio editions.